1.2 Pa/cm³/s
0-4 years of age
0.60 Pa/cm³/s
4-5 years of age
0.29 Pa/cm³/s
8-9 years of age
0.29 Pa/cm³/s
12-14 years of age
***Be sure to check deviation location (posterior v anterior) and anterior nasal resistance/DAFNE Score for all cases, Adult & Child.
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Disclaimer: This website is not a sole source in determining patient healthcare outcomes and should not be exclusive without a physical exam, patient questionnaire, patient interview of symptoms, or additional diagnostics completed by a licensed healthcare provider. The website is for information and educational purposes to show how nasal airway measurements allow the HCP to objectively quantify the patency of the nasal away and its part in airflow limitations. It is not medical advice, but based on evidenced based medicine, nasal aerodynamic studies, and validated research over 20+ years using the noninvasive technology methods. The noninvasive, objective nasal measurement processes do not diagnosis a breathing disorder, but allow the HCP to screen and understand how the treatment options are helping for better results towards nasal breathing. Additional questions and educational assistance on the methods, processes for results, and the theory of nasal aerodynamics may be sent through our website query.
Citations provided by request only.
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